Entangled, book 1 of my series has been released on Amazon Kindle. Click here to see it! Or here to see the paperback edition.
Welcome to the Chasing Light Series of books web page. This website will be the best way to reach out to the author, receive updates, and participate in community discussions (once I set it up…eventually).
Thank you so much to all those who have read my books! I’m a new author and feedback is not only welcome, but encouraged as I continually try to hone my skills as a novelist. Please feel free to comment in the blog section on anything book related or the science behind it. You can contact me via the email address listed on this site.
Please note that while I am highly interested in physics and astronomy, I’m no expert, if you see something wrong with my science, feel free to point it out, but remember, this is a work of fiction, and some literary license is required to make my books work. I appreciate all of you words and thoughts!
-Best wishes,
Lewis Masters